Pregnant women needed for online health information study

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University of British Columbia professor Dr. Michael Klein and his team of researchers are working to develop a tool to help women evaluate the childbirth information they find online. The researchers are looking for women who are approaching their first birth to attend a focus group to give feedback on the usability of the tool. Interested? Or know someone who would be interested? Please visit or read below for more info.


The internet is full of incorrect and confusing information about birth. How can you tell what online childbirth information is reliable?

A research team headed by Dr. Michael Klein is investigating a simple online method to help women evaluate childbirth information on the internet.

You’re invited to participate in this study if you are a woman who is:

  • currently pregnant
  • approaching your first birth
  • expecting a normal birth

The study will take about 2 hours of your time. Participants will meet at SFU or Douglas College sometime in April 2012. Pregnant women often find this type of activity valuable.

Participation includes a complimentary nutritious snack and non-alcoholic beverage.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact us at[at] or call: 1.866.640.9595

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